Friday, January 21, 2011


So it's been awhile. And while my intentions are good, I just have a hard time finding time to sit down and blog... so thanks to conference periods and to being caught up with grades.

December, I skipped that whole month, but it was a WONDERFUL one. Between snow in the park, ice skating, the theatre, slumber parties, Christmas parties, and playing with all (mom, dad, and Mili) our new presents... blogging was forgot all about. My goal though, is to be better at this. I loved soaking up every second of it, but I haven't done a great job of documenting it. I want my husband, children and self to be able to remember all of this. I do write just for myself often, just between me and the Lord, but I do want something that others can see (family and close friends) to show how God is working in our lives.

Also, if you haven't read the post below, a lot of things have changed.... like the sex of our newest Ward on the way :) It's a BOY-Jonah Mac. And ALL boy he is, let's just say, we have a REALLY proud dad at home. I am SO in love with him!! I love hearing his sweet heartbeat, I love not being able to sleep at night because he moves nonstop, I love it all! I love watching Stephen talk about him, his eyes light up and to hear the excitment in his voice, I just love watching him be such a proud daddy. (Mili on the other hand, is not too excited... pray for us with her. Telling her God picked this sweet boy just to be her brother is not good enough. All she says are baby boys cry too much, and she is not interested in having this baby brother. Also pray for Stephen and Sean they are having a hard time being patient with this as they are beyond pumped this baby is a boy.) Mili did pray last night, "Lord, please keep my baby healthy and strong, and make his heart right to love you forever." So I will say, the Lord is moving in her heart and giving her His love for her baby brother... which makes this mama proud to watch.

School is great, we are in our second semester... it's flying by. Spring Break is just around the corner (By the way- I do love my job, it seems on here all I do is count down to the next holiday lol)

We have SO many exciting things going on. If you happen to read this today, please pray for our Discipleship Now weekend-we start tonight. I have the sophmore girls, they will be staying at my house. Stephen is staying at a different house with the freshman and sophmore boys. Pray that God would begin softening and preparing hearts even before we all gather together. Please pray for everything behind the scenes, the leaders, the band, and mostly the students. I so badly have been pleading with God to do something unbelievable, so amazing, only He could get the credit for.

On a different note, HAPPY new year. Last year was so awesome, I am excited to watch God work in this one. Enjoy these pictures, Christmas morning ones are on my home laptop so here are just a few random ones...

Dad and sister on the trampoline

Mili and Bella camping out in her room (thanks Nana, cool tent!)

Sis and her new chair

Annual Happy Birthday Jesus cake with Nana. Thankful for a mom who taught me the importance of Christmas, and will teach my children too.

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